'Data server for presence and conferencing' server? If you answer 'no'
here you can choose an alternative configuration.
Confirm selection? [no] : y
Selection confirmed.
*** Assembling VCX.2.9.21 using 'VSBOM.xml' ***
*** Processing components ***
*** Executing assembly commands ***
*** Assembly complete ***
The VCX assembly has been created. Preparing system for use:
Performing early startup tasks: [ OK ]
Starting VCX-Firewall: [ OK ]
Starting httpd:
Removing unneeded application components from the system.
This may take several minutes. Please wait while the operation completes.
Determining which packages are not used by any VCX version:
oem.7.0.1 : [REMOVE]
presconf-conf.2.5.21 : [REMOVE]
presconf-presence.2.5.21 : [REMOVE]
presconf-web.2.5.21 : [REMOVE]
vcx-firewall.1.5.6 : [keep; used in 2.9.21]
mysql.3.23.58 : [keep; used in 2.9.21]
Removing packages:
oem-a-7.0.1-2 : [OK]
presconf-conf-2.5.21-1 : [OK]
presconf-presence-2.5.21-1 : [OK]
presconf-vcxdb-2.5.21-1 : [OK]
presconf-web-2.5.21-1 : [OK]
Successfully removed extra packages.
End of System Configuration
The system configuration is complete. If necessary, you can re-run this
portion of the script by entering vcx-setconfigtype.