
Tcl is already installed
Tcl version is 8.3
Please report any installation problem to
"3Com Support" <support@3com.com>
End of E-mail (sSMTP) Configuration
The e-mail configuration is complete. If necessary, you can re-run this
portion of the script by entering usr/sbin/smtp-configure.
Start of Database Configuration
After successful completion of the e-mail configuration, the script will
prompt you to select a database configuration.
There are different ways to install and access the database.
1 Local Master: this server will have the master database.
2 Local Slave: this server will have a slave database.
3 Remote database: database is on another server.
Please choose one of the above options: 1
Select “1” to specify that this server will initially host the master database
(All-in-one server, or primary server in a distributed system).
Available applications: sipconf,sipvxml,gui,vcxdb,sippeng,
End of Database Configuration
The database configuration is complete. If necessary, you can re-run this
portion of the script by entering presconf-setup.
Start of IP Conferencing Module Configuration
After successful completion of the database configuration, the script will
prompt you to select an initial configuration.
Enter the fully qualified hostname for this installation.
Enter the fully qualified hostname of the machine you are installing on.
Assuming the userid of the administrator who will manage the
applications for your domain is root