Elapsed time
Total time
Track name
Artist name
Album name
You can add your personal impression to “Channels” by marking songs with [Like] or
[Dislike] as you listen. For details, see “About [Like]/[Dislike]” [Details].
You can skip to the next song.
You cannot search for a specific song.
If a channel contains transfer errors, an error message and
appear, and the channel
cannot be played back. Sync the channel once more.
Available operations on the “Channels” playback screen
To Do this
Play ( )/Pause ( ) Press the button.
Skip to the next song (*1) Press the button.
(*1) You cannot skip to previous song.
About “Channels” option menu items
You can select from the following option menu items. For details on how to use the option menu,
see [Details].
[Like] [Details]
[Dislike] [Details]
[Equalizer] [Details]
[VPT (Surround)] [Details]
[Detailed Information] [Details]
About [Like]/[Dislike]
While listening to “Channels,” you can mark a song with [Like] or [Dislike] according to your
impression. This will be reflected in both “Channels” and “Favorites” channel.
This function does not work on “Favorites” channel.
[Like]/[Dislike] info will be reflected in and personalize “Channels” next time sync with Music