Command Descriptions
- 37 -
It indicates the umber of the next Picture / Text.
It is available from 0 to 299. And it shows with HEX digit.
It indicates the head address of the next Barcode / Command Stack data or Picture /
Text data. The head address is relative address. Base address is (BP = 1216). (BP =
1216) is the head byte of Barcode & Blackboard Data in this data format.
It is the body of the data.
It is the checksum of the data. It indicates the result of added up from BP 0 to BP
8415. It shows with HEX (double word).
Format of Barcode / Command Stack data in the data :
The length of Barcode / Command Stack data is 16 bytes. This is a fixed length. Each
byte is made up with (aH : Upper nibble) and one digit of the Barcode Command
(Lower nibble). The Barcode Command length is available up to 16 - digits. If the
command length is less than 16 - digits, it fills with (00H).
Segment Play Command : Title 02, from Frame 3600 to Frame 4800
> 4020036000048007
BP Data Explanations
1216 + BARCODE_SRP #n a4H
+ 1 a0H
+ 2 a2H
+ 3 a0H
+ 4 a0H
+ 5 a3H
+ 6 a6H
+ 7 a0H
+ 8 a0H
+ 9 a0H
+ 10 a0H
+ 11 a4H
+ 12 a8H
+ 13 a0H
+ 14 a0H
+ 15 a7H