To op en the di spen ser,t urn the cap to the "ope n" (le ft) ar row an d lift it out.
Po ur the ri nse ai d int o the dis pen ser, be ing car eful n ot to o verfi ll .
Replace the cap by in serting i ta ligned with "open " arrow and turning it to the closed (right) arrow.
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
The ri nse aid dispe nser ha s six or four setti ng s. Alw ays sta rt with the di spe nser
set on "4". I f spot s and poor drying are a proble m, incre ase the amoun to f rinse
aid disp ensed by removin g the dispens er lid and rot ating the di al to "5". If t he
dishes s til l are no td rying pr operly or are s how spots, adjust th e dial to the next
highe r lever un til your dish es a re sp ot-f ree. The r ecom men ded setti ng is "4".
(Factory value is "4".)
Increase the dose if there aredrops of waterorlimespotson the dishes after washing.
Reduce itif there aresticky whitis hstains on your dishes ora bluish film on glassware or
knife blades.
As t he ri nse aid dimin ishes, the siz eo f the blac k dot
ontherinse aidlevel indicator changes,asillustratedbelow.
1/ 4 full - Should refill toeliminate spotting
Em pt y
Adjust lever
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If th ere is no rinse-aid warning ligh t in the contr olp anel, you can est imat e the amount from the colo ur
of the optica l level ind icator C loc ated ne xt to the cap. When th eri nse-ai dc onta iner is full, the wh ole
indicato r wil l be dark .As the r inse -aid di minish es, thes ize of the dark dot de creases. You shou ldn ever let
t he rinse ai d l ev el fall 1 / 4 full.
durin g the nex t wash. Don' tf orget to re plac ethe cap be fore you clos e dis hwa she rd oor.
Clean u p an y rinse aid sp il l ed w hi le durin g filli ng w ith a n ab sorbent cloth to a v oid excessi v e fo am ing
Deterge nt s with its chem ical ingred ients a re ne cessary to re move dirt ,c rus h dirt an d trans port it o ut of the di sh washer.
Mostofthe co mmercialqu alitydetergents are suitable forthis purpose.
D. Function of Detergent
There a r e 3 s orts of deterge nts
1.With phosphate andwithchlorine
2.With phosphat e andwit hout chlo rine
3.W ithou tph osphate and without chlo rine
C (Ri nse - Ai d i nd ic ato r)