Cutlery Basket
Fo r washing in th ed ishw ashe rt he fol lowing cut ler y/di shes
Cutle ry with wood en, horn china or
mothe r-of-pe arl handles
Plas tic items t hat are not h eat resis tan t
Older c utlery with glued parts t hat are not
Pewte r or cooper it ems
Crystal glass
Steel i te ms subject to rust ing
Items madefrom synthetic fibres
Do not p ut ini tems that are d irty of c igaret te ash,candle w ax,l acq uer or p aint.
If you b uy new dishes pl ease mak e sure that they ar e suitab le for dishwa shers.
Some types of g lass es can beco me
dullaftera largenumberofwashes
Si l ver a nd a lum inum pa rt s have a
tendenc yt o disc olour du ring w ashin g
Glazed pattern s m a y f ad e i f mac h in e
was he d fr equently
Pleas e do no t over lo ad yo u r di shw a s he r. There is only spa ce f or 9 st an dard dis hes. Do not
us ed ish that is no tsu itable fo r dis hwa shers .Th is is importa nt for good r esu lts and for
B efore lo adin g the dishes , you sho uld:
Removelarge left-over
S ofte n re mnants of burnt f ood in pans
Dishesandcutlery mustnotimpedetherotation of thespray arms
Lo ad holl ow items suc h as cup s, glass es, p ans etc. with the ope ning downw ards so that
w ater cannot coll ect in the con tain er or a deep base
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Loading cutlery and dishes
When loading the dishes and cutlery, please note:
Cutlery shoul d be placed in t he cutler yb asket with the han dles at the bott om. If the rack has side b askets , the
spoons shoul d be loade d separat ely in to the ap propri ate sl ots ,es peciall y long utensi ls should be pl aced in t he
horizont al posi tion at th ef ron tof t he uppe r basket as s how n in the pi cture.
Alwa ys load sh arp u ten sils wi th the shar p
poin t dow n!
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1. Tea spoons
2. Dessert spoons
3. Soup spoons
4. Forks
5. Knives
6. Serving forks
7. Serving spoons
Do not l eave any item e x tend thro ugh bot tom .
Knivesand other utensils withsharp points
must be loaded i nth e ba sket with the ir poi nts
dow n or plac ed i n an hor izon tal po sition.
Itis dangerousto openthedoorwhen washing, becausethehot watermaybe scalded toyou.The doorshouldnot be