Be fo re using you r dis hwas he r for the first time :
Th e water softener must be set manu ally, usin gth e water hard ness dia l.
Th e wat er soften er is des ign ed to remove mi nerals and salts fr om thew ater, which woul dh ave
a detrimenta lo r adverse effe ct on the op eration of the app liance .T heh igher the
content of these mi neral san d salts, the harde r your water is. The softe ner shou ld b e
adju sted accordi ngt o the ha rdness of the water in you rar ea. Your local WaterAut hority
can adviseyou onthehardnessofthewaterin yourarea.
Adjusting Salt Consumption
The dishwas her is designed to all ow for adj ustment in the amo unt of salt co nsumed bas ed on the ha rdness o f
the waterused.This isintendedto optimiseand customise the level of salt consumption.
1. Unscrew the cap fromthe salt container.
2. T here is ar ing on the contai ne rw ith an arrow on it (see fig ure
ontheside),ifnecessary, rotate thering inthe anticlockwise
direction fromthe"-"Setting toward the" +"sign, basedo n the
hardne sso f the wat er being used.
It is recomm end edt hat a dju stme nts should be made in
acco rd ance wit h the f oll owin g sch em e:
Contact yo ur local water boar df or informat ion on the har dne ss of your wat er supply.
mm ol /l
0~1 40~8 0~1.4
14~398~22 1.4~3.9 - 20 50
39~8022~45 3.9~8 Mid 40 25
60 16
Clar ke
Clark: Britishdegree
fH: French degree
DH : Ger man degree
dH=1.25 Clarke=1.78 fH=0.178mmo l/l
Salt consumption
Aut o no my
Pl eas e fol low the st eps bel ow f or a djus tmen t in sal t con sum pt io n.
"+ "
"Mid "
the "-" sign and "+" sign
No salt need adde d
45~60 80~107 56~75 8~11
A. Water Softener
A. Set t he wate rsof tener
B. Pour 1 2 li tre of water i nsid e the salt contain er and then fill with d ishwash er salt
C. Fi ll t he rinse aid d i sp en s er
D. Fill indetergent