normal fo r a s mall am o unt of water to c ome out of the s a l t c o n ta ine r.It is
1. The salt con tai ne r must only be refil led when the sal t wa rning l ight in the control pan el comes on.
Depend ing on how wel l the salt diss olve s, the salt warnin g light may still be on even tho ugh the
salt container is filled .
If there is no salt w arning li ght in the con trol panel ( for some Mode ls),you c an estim ate wh ent o fill
the salt into the so ftener by the cycles t hat the dishwashe r has run.
2. If there are spill s of the salt ,a soak or a rapid pro gram s hould be ru nt o remo ve the excessive sa lt.
Always u se the salt intende d for use with dishw asher.
The sa lt co ntain er is located ben eath the lowe r basket and sh ould be fill ed as explaine d in the
foll ow ing :
Only use salt spe cif ica lly desi gne d fort he use in dishwash ers! Every other type of
salt no t specif ically desig ned fo r theu se in ad ishwa sher, espe cially table salt, will
damage the w ater sof tener. In case of da mages caused by the use of unsuit able
salt the ma nuf act ure r does not gi ve any wa rranty nor is liable for any damage s caused.
Only fil lwi ths alt just b efo re start ing one of theco mp lete wa shingp ro grams.
This wi ll p reve nt anyg rains of sa lt or salty wate r, w hich ma y have b een spi lled,
remain ing on the bottom of the m achi ne for any period of time , which m ayc ause
c o rr os ion.
B. Loading the Salt Into the Softener
C. Fill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th er inse aid i s relea se dd uri ng the final ri nse to prevent wat er from forming droplets ony o ur dish es, whic h can l eave
spots and strea ks. It also improve sd ryi ng by allow ing water t o ro ll off the dishes . Your dishwa sher is desi gned to
use liqu id rin se aids. The rin se aid dispense r isl ocated inside t hed oor nex t tot he detergent di spense r. To fill the
dispenser,open thecapand pour the rinse aidintothe dispenseruntil thelevel indicatorturnscompletelyblack.
The volume of the rins eai d container is abou t 110 ml.
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Function of Rinse Aid
Rinse aid is aut oma tic ally added d uring the last r inse, ensur ing thor ough rinsi ng , and spo tan d st reak free dryi ng.
Onlyusebranded rinseaidfor dishwasher. Never filltherinse aid dispenserwithanyother substances
(e.g. Di shwasher cleani ng agent, liq uid dete rg ent). Th is would dam age the app lian ce.
A Removethe lower basket and then unscrewandremovethecapfrom the saltcontainer.
B Before thefirst wash,fill 1lt. of water inthe saltcontainer of your machine.
C Pl ace the e nd of the funnel ( supp lied) in to the ho le and introd uce abou t 1kg of salt .
D Af ter filli ng the co ntainer , scr ew th e cap tigh tly b ac k cloc kwise .
E Usu ally, the salt warni ng light wi ll stop being il luminat ed with in 2-6 days afte r thes a lt co nt ain er ha sbe en filled wit h
sal t.
F Imm ed iately aft er fillin g the salt in to the sa lt co ntainer, a washin g program should be started ( Wesu ggest to use t he
soak orrapid program). Otherwisethe filter system, pump or otherimportant partsof the machinemay bedamaged
bysalty water.This is outof warranty.