I fyou use 3i n1 ta ble ts in other program s, the appliance wil l not achi eve a good perfo rmance.
Only the 3in1 function (for the prog ram : int ensi ve/No rmal/ Eco. ) Can be used wit h 3in 1 table ts.
Fill the de ter gent dispens erw ith deter gen t.
Th e mark ing ind icates th e do s ing le vels , a s
i ll us tra ted on t he right:
Th ep lace of main wash cyc le de terg ent placed ,
M IN means approxi mate ly 20g of detergen t.
Th ep lace of pr e-wash cycle det erge nt place d,
ap proximat ely 5 go f det ergent
Please obser vet hem anu fact urer s dosing and stor age
Recommendationsas statedonthedetergent packaging.
Clos e the lid and press untilit locks in place.
I f the dish es a r e he avily soil ed , plac e an a d dit i onal
detergen t do sein the pre- was h det ergent cha mbe r. This detergen t will take effect durin g the pre- wa shp has e.
Fill in Detergent
Youf ind inf ormatio n about the amo unt o fde terg en t for th esi ngle pro gram me on the l ast page .
Pl eas ea ware, tha t accordi ng t othe lev elso iling and the spec ific har dness of wa ter d ifference sa re possibl e.
Pleaseobserve themanufacturer's recommendationson the de tergent packaging.
When using 3i n1 combination / com pact D etergents ,p leas epa y attention to make s ure that
the size of the combi nation deterg ents fits to the dispe nser so that com bin ati on
deterge ntsc an be easil y put into the dispense r, and th ed ispen ser would not be bro ken.
Your dishwas her h as a 3in1 fu nctio nw hich needs no sal ta nd rinse aid bu ta 3 In1 tabl et.
This dishwas her comes with a 3in1 tablet co ntaine r as an accessor y.
1.The figure below shows howto hangthe3in1 tablet container ontheupper basket.
2. Rot atet he up per spra yer an dchange the locat ion of the conta iner to en sure the uppe r sp rayer is no t
obstructedby the 3in1 tabletcontainer. Refertothe figurebelow for reference.
3. Put the 3in1 tablet intothecontainer ,then start the 3in1 program.
How To Use The 3IN1 Function