Using GPIB, RS-232
GB1400 User Manual D-11
RS-232C Error Messages
All RS-232C remote commands received by the GB1400 are checked for
command validity and appropriate parameters (parameters listed with commands
within brackets [ ]). All valid command strings are executed. Incorrect command
strings are responded to with error messages
Error Message Error
“*** Input Lost” Input data lost over interface
“*** Input Buffer Overflow” Input buffer overflow, command line
too long without terminator
“*** Command Mnemonic Not
Command not found
“*** Invalid Command for Interface” Command found, but not valid for this
“*** Invalid Command Type” Command mnemonic found, but
command issued incorrectly: missing,
or added, '?' on end of command
“*** Too Few Parameters” Missing parameter
“*** Too Many Parameter” Too many parameters or training
garbage at end of command
“*** Invalid Parameters” Parameter invalid
“*** Parameter Out of Range” Parameter out of range
“*** Parameter Not in Set” Parameter not one of the values
specified for the command
“*** Invalid String Length” Parameter string too long
“*** Parameter Separator” Parameter separator, ‘;’, is missing or
command line is terminated following
“*** Command Execution Error” Command not executed properly
“*** Out of Memory” Processor out of memory
"*** Invalid Hexadecimal Parameter Parameter not in hexadecimal format
or more than two hexadecimal