
Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-99
byte_sync [n] (Analyzer only)
Byte Synchronization. This command sets the long-word pattern synchronization
threshold. This threshold does not apply to short-word patterns, or PRBS patterns. The
long-word synchronization threshold is set in terms of an integer, n, which corresponds to
a BER threshold. In the table below, the ratios of errors to bits corrrespond to the window
examined and the maximum errors for the threshold.
Level BER Ratio (errors/bits)
1 3.1E-2 (256/8192)
2 7.8E-3 (256/32768)
3 1.9E-3 (256/131072)
4 9.7E-4 (256/262144)
5 4.8E-4 (256/524288)
6 2.4E-4 (256/1048576)
7 1.2E-4 (256/2097152)
8 6.1E-5 (256/4194304)
9 3.0E-5 (256/8388608)
Min. Abbr. byte_s
Arguments i <NR1>, in the range 1 (highest BER) to 9 (lowest BER).
Example byte_sync 4
NOTE: This command is found in the Analyzer command set only.
byte_sync? (Analyzer only)
Byte Synchronization Query. Returns a single decimal digit which represents the
current long-word synchronization threshold.
Min. Abbr. byte_s?
Returns <NR1>
Example byte_sync?