Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-21
recall_word [m]
Recall Word. Causes the instrument to recall the word pattern saved at location "m" and
make this pattern the current word pattern and the active pattern.
Min. Abbr. recall_w
Arguments m: 0, 1, ..., 9
Example recall_word 5
save_word [m]
Save Word. Causes the instrument to save the current word pattern to word memory
location "m".
Min. Abbr. save_w
Arguments m: 0, 1, ..., 9
Example save_word 5
word_bits [l], [b1 | b2]
Word Bits. Returns the programmable WORD pattern. The response will contain the
pattern length and data bytes. Sets current word length to l bits, and sets the current word
pattern to the bit sequence represented by b1 and b2.
Min. Abbr. word_b
Arguments l: 8 or 16.
b1: #00 to #FF (hexadecimal)
#Q000 to #Q377 (octal)
#B00000000 to #B11111111 (binary)
b2: same as b1. b2 is allowed only if l (length) is set to 16
Example word_bits 16, #B10101010, #B11110000