Remote Commands
C-22 GB1400 User Manual
Word Bits Query. The response will be in the form [n] [byte 1] [byte 2], where n is
either 8 or 16 (the current word length) and byte 1 and byte 2 are hex, octal, or binary
representations of the first and second bytes in the pattern. Note that byte 2 will be
included only if pattern length is 16.
Min. Abbr. word_b?
Returns <NR1>, <non-decimal numeric(s) >
Example word_bits? (command)
WORD BITS 16, #HAA, #HF0 (response)
indicating that the current word length is 16 bits and the current
pattern is AAF0 hex.
word_length [l]
Word Length. Sets the current word pattern length to 8 or 16 bits.
Min. Abbr. word_l
Argument l: 8 or 16.
Example word_length 16
NOTE: There is no query form to the word_length command. However, you may use
the word_bits? query to read the current word length.
word_mem_len [m], [l]
Word Memory Length. Sets the length of the word pattern saved in location m to l
Min. Abbr. word_mem_l
Arguments m: 0, 1, ..., 9
l: 8 or 16.
Example word_mem_len 5, 16
(sets the length of word memory 5 to 16 bits)
NOTE: There is no query form to this command. However, you can use the
word_memory? [m] query to read the length of the word saved at location m.