Remote Commands
GB1400 User Manual C-77
Test Report Query. Returns a character string indicating the current setup of the test
report parameter.
Min. Abbr. test_r
Returns [eot|on_error|both|none]
Example test_report? (command)
test_squelch [on|off]
Test Squelch. Enables or disables squelching of On-Error reports.
Min. Abbr. test_sq
Arguments on: On-Error reports will be squelched after 10 consecutive
reports, that is 10 consecutive seconds in which BER
is above the Test Error Rate threshold. On-Error
reports will then be automatically unsquelched
after five consecutive seconds in which BER is not
above the Test Error Rate threshold.
off: On-Error report squelching is disabled.
Example test_squelch on
Test Squelch Query. Returns a character string indicating the current setup of the test
squelch parameter.
Min. Abbr. test_sq?
Returns [on|off]
Example test_squelch? (command)
TEST_SQUELCH ON (response)