Elevation Motor Replacement
6. Tighten Allen screws in the drive pulley, taking care to preserve the alignment
achieved in the preceding step.
7. Place the drive belt over the idler pulley.
8. Slide the idler pulley tightly against the belt, then finger tighten the mounting screw
on the idler pulley shaft.
9. Manipulate the drive belt so tat tit is flush with the inside surface of all pulley flnages
and the right-hand drive screw bearing.
10. Tighten the idler pulley mounting nut ¼ to ½ turn.
11. Using a large screwdriver or steel chisel, and a hammer, tap the middle of the idler
pulley shaft sharply to drive the pulley against the belt.
12. If you have a belt gauge, measure belt tension. Adjust tension until the gauge
indicates 50 to 60 pounds, then tighten the idler pulley mount nut. If you have not
suitable belt gauge, pinch the sides of the belt together, using strong thumb and
finger pressure, in the middle of the belt length. The sides of the belt should not
quite touch. Re-adjust belt tension if necessary loosening the idler pulley mounting
nut, then repeating the preceding steps 11 and 12 until correct belt tension is
13. Re-install the wheel axle, align with bushings, wheels, and new tap nuts.
Set the Treadmill Upright
Test Treadmill Operation
After you have completed replacement of the elevation motor, perform a complete
system test.