The following steps help troubleshoot in case Auto-Calibration procedures fail to give the correct
reading or response.
Auto-Calibration fluctuates.
1. Verify line voltage for sufficient voltage supply.
• If wall voltage is less than 10% than what is
required, this will cause speed fluctuation.
2. Verify unit is on a dedicated circuit breaker.
• Treadmills sharing the same circuit line will cause
intermittent problems and variation in speed.
3. Verify the following parameters are set correctly
in the Configuration Mode:
(Configuration Mode details in Section 3)
• CNT/RV : 31 = Magnetic/Cherry RPM Sensors
• 10 REV: 29.1” for 1.7” dia. motor pulley (110v)
• 10 REV: 35.8 for 2.1” dia. motor pulley (220v)
NOTE: If not sure what your 10 REV settings should
be, manually measure your drive motor pulley
diameter. Above measurements are done in inches.
4. Verify RPM Sensor alignment.
• Hall Effect/Cherry RPM Sensor is being used,
verify the gap is no more than 1/8 inch.
NOTE: See Diagram # 1.
5. Adjust IR COMP potentiometer.
NOTE: See Diagram #2, adjustment.
REPLACE: MCB if symptom continues.
Diagram #1