Calibration Troubleshooting
Will not Calibrate to MAX speed.
1. Verify line voltage for sufficient voltage supply.
• If wall voltage is less than 10% than what is
required, this will cause speed fluctuation.
2. Verify unit is on a dedicated circuit breaker.
• Treadmills sharing the same circuit line will cause
intermittent problems and variation in speed.
3. Verify the following parameters are set correctly
in the Configuration Mode.
(Configuration Mode details in Section 3)
• MN SPD: 0.5 MPH or 1.0 KM/PH
• MX SPD: 10.0 MPH (110v) or 20.0 KM/PH (220v)
• CNT/RV : 31 = Magnetic/Cherry RPM Sensors
• 10 REV: 29.1” for 1.7” dia. motor pulley (110v)
• 10 REV: 35.8” for 2.1” dia. motor pulley (220v)
NOTE: To reach 20.0 KM/PH on 220v units, drive
motor pulley must be 2.1”. If not sure what your 10
REV settings should be, manually measure the drive
motor pulley diameter.
4. Verify RPM Sensor alignment.
• Hall Effect/Cherry RPM Sensor is being used,
verify the gap is approximately 3 business
cards or 1 credit card. If adjustment is necessary
loosen the flywheel to re-position.
NOTE: See Diagram #1.
REPLACE: RPM Sensor if RPM reading is sensitive
or feedback appears erratic.
5. Adjust the MAX SPEED potentiometer.
NOTE: See Diagram #2. (220v units only)
GO TO: Section 3.7 Manual Calibration if problem
Diagram #2
Diagram #1