Manual Calibration
The following procedure allows the treadmill to manually calibrate Minimum and
Maximum speeds, only in the case Auto-Calibration is not functioning correctly.
Will not calibrate to MN or MX speed, in the Auto-Calibration Mode.
**CAUTION** 1. Engage TEST MODE. Press and hold the “ 0 ”, “ 1 ” & “ START ” keys together
Do not stand on (or the “0” , “2” ). While holding the “ 0 ” & “ START ” keys down, release the “ 1 ”
the running belt (or 2) key. The display will beep and display SETTINGS (or CONFIGURE)
while perform- momentarily, then UNITS will be displayed.
ing these steps.
2. Press and release the “8” key. Display will read: XXX 3 .0 XXX is a variable
NOTE: Alter- number depending on the elevation position the treadmill is at. 3 indicates Speed
native mode to Command, 0 indicates RPM. If the treadmill is at 0% the display will read: 240 3 .0
enter Motor
Test Mode; turn
3. Press the “+” key (speed) to the desired MN SPD,1/2 MX, and MX SPD. Write
the power down the corresponding Speed Command number displayed for each desired
switch “ON” setting.
while pressing
the “8” key sim-
4. Press the “STOP” key. Engage Configuration/Settings Mode as described in
ultaneously on STEP 1.
the display.
5. Using the “UP ELEVATION” key go to MN PWM parameter and enter the new
NOTE: The MN MN SPD Speed Command number by using the “+” or “-” keys, then press the
SPD should not “START” (enter) key to save the new setting. Do this for the 1/2 MX and MX SPD.
exceed .5 MPH
or 1KPH. The
6. Press the “STOP” key to exit.
1/2 MX SPD
should be
exactly half of
the desired MX
MX SPD must
not exceed 10
MPH or 20 KPH
(220 units).
255 is the max-
imum the tread-
mill will reach.