Display Cable
The following symptoms indicates a faulty or pinched display cable.
No display power related.
**CAUTION** 1. No display power, treadmill elevation bottoms out during start-up.
Do not stand on 2. No display power, MCB LED +11 remains lit on 110v units. MCB LED Display
the running belt remains lit on 220v units.
while perform-
ing these steps.
Intermittent or no elevation.
1. In Test Mode only up direction works, MCB LED “UP” remains lit.
NOTE: Alter- 2. In Test Mode no elevation count (elevation motor pot), will elevate both directions
native mode to reads EL LOST across display in regular operation mode.
enter Motor 3. In Test Mode no elevation response, reads EL STL across display in regular
Test Mode; turn operation mode.
the power 4. In Test Mode elevation count registers slow to actual elevation response.
switch “ON” 5. Treadmill elevation without command in regular operation mode.
while pressing 6. Elevation motor hesitates in between elevation percents, MCB LEDs “UP” &
the “8” key sim- “Down” toggle back and forth.
ultaneously on 7. Elevation intermittently responds, registers different elevation display codes in
the display. regular operation mode.
Intermittent or no speed reading
1. In Test Mode belt movement, but no RPM reading. MCB LED RPM remains of
on 220v units. registers NO RPM code across display in regular operation mode.
2. In Test Mode or regular operation mode, RPM reading intermittently flashes.
3. In Test Mode or regular operation mode, RPM speed fluctuates.
4. In Test Mode MCB LED PWM (110v units) or MOTOR CONTROL (220v units)
remains off and no RPM reading is registered.