A stereo pitch shifter.
L in
R in
Pitch Shifter
Pitch Shifter
L out
R out
2-Band EQ
2-Band EQ
Parameter Value Explanation
Coarse #1 -24–+12 semi
Adjusts the pitch of the pitch
shifted sound in semitone steps.
Fine #1 -100–+100 cent
Adjusts the pitch of the pitch
shifted sound in 2-cent steps.
Delay Time 0–1300 msec, note
Adjusts the delay time from
the direct sound until the pitch
shifted sound is heard.
Feedback # -98–+98%
Adjusts the proportion of the
pitch shifted sound that is fed
back into the eect. Negative (-)
settings will invert the phase.
Low Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
High Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
Balance # D100:0W–D0:100W
Volume balance between the
direct sound (D) and the pitch
shifted sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output Level
Shifts the pitch of the original sound. This 2-voice pitch shifter has two pitch shifters,
and can add two pitch shifted sounds to the original sound.
L in
R in
L out
R out
2Voice Pitch Shifter
Level 1
Balance W
Balance W
Level 1
Pan 2 R
Pan 1 L
Pan 1 R
Pan 2 L
Parameter Value Explanation
Pitch1 Coarse #1 -24–+12 semi
Adjusts the pitch of Pitch Shift 1
in semitone steps.
Pitch1 Fine #1 -100–+100 cent
Adjusts the pitch of Pitch Shift
Pitch 1 in 2-cent steps.
Pitch1 Delay 0–1300 msec, note
Adjusts the delay time from the
direct sound until the Pitch Shift
1 sound is heard.
Pitch1 Feedback # -98–+98%
Adjusts the proportion of the
pitch shifted sound that is fed
back into the eect. Negative (-)
settings will invert the phase.
Pitch1 Pan # L64–63R
Stereo location of the Pitch Shift
1 sound
Pitch1 Level 0–127 Volume of the Pitch Shift1 sound
Pitch2 Coarse #2 -24–+12 semi
Settings of the Pitch Shift 2
The parameters are the same as
for the Pitch Shift 1 sound.
Pitch2 Fine #2 -100–+100 cent
Pitch2 Delay 0–1300 msec, note
Pitch2 Feedback # -98–+98%
Pitch2 Pan # L64–63R
Pitch2 Level 0–127
Parameter Value Explanation
Low Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
High Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
Balance # D100:0W–D0:100W
Volume balance between the
direct sound (D) and the pitch
shifted sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output Level
A pitch shifter in which the amount of pitch shift is varied by a 16-step sequence.
L in
R in
Step Pitch Shifter
Step Pitch Shifter
L out
R out
Parameter Value Explanation
Step 01-16 -24–+12 semi
Amount of pitch shift at each
step (semitone units)
Rate # 0.05–10.0 Hz, note
Rate at which the 16-step
sequence will cycle
Attack # 0–127
Speed at which the amount of
pitch shift changes between
Gate Time # 0–127
Duration of the pitch shifted
sound at each step
Fine -100–+100 cent
Pitch shift adjustment for all
steps (2-cent units)
Delay Time 0–1300 msec, note
Delay time from the original
sound until the pitch-shifted
sound is heard
Feedback # -98–+98%
Proportion of the pitch-shifted
sound that is to be returned to
the input (negative values invert
the phase)
Low Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
High Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
Balance # D100:0W–D0:100W
Volume balance of the original
sound (D) and pitch-shifted
sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output Level
You can use multi-eect control to make the step sequence play again from
the beginning (p. 46).