Playing Song Files from USB Memory
The USB Memory Song Player is able to play audio
les (WAV, MP3, AIFF) or Standard MIDI Files (SMF)
that you’ve copied from your computer to USB
Copying Song Files from Your
Computer to Usb Memory
You’ll need to copy the audio les from your computer to the root level
of your USB memory.
Copy to a USB drive
• Use USB memory sold by Roland. We cannot guarantee operation if
other products are used.
• A maximum of 99 song les can be handled.
Song les that can be played
0 or 1
* For an SMF format 1 song that has more than
16 tracks, all of the tracks might not play back
correctly in some cases.
File Size
Maximum of approximately 240 KB
(this will change somewhat depending on the
content of the SMF)
System Exclusive Packet size must be 512 or less
Format MPEG-1 audio layer 3
Sampling Frequency 44.1 kHz
Bit Rate
kbps, VBR (Variable Bit Rate)
Sampling Frequency 44.1 kHz
Bit Rate 8/16/24 -bit
GM (General MIDI) is a set of recommendations that allows the
MIDI capabilities of sound modules to be standardized across
manufacturers. Sound modules or music data that meet the GM
standard carry the GM logo ( ). Music data with the GM logo
can be played back on any sound module carrying the GM logo,
and will produce essentially the same musical performance.
GM2 ( ) is a set of recommendations that is upwardly
compatible with the original GM recommendations, and
allows a higher level of musical expression and compatibility.
It covers issues that were not covered by the original GM
recommendations, such as ways in which sounds can be edited
and how e ects should be handled. It also expands the sounds
that are available. Sound modules that are compatible with
GM2 will correctly play back music data that carries either the
GM or GM2 logo. The original GM, which does not include the
GM2 enhancements, is sometimes called “GM1” in order to
distinguish it from the newer set of recommendations.
Insert the USB Memory
1. Insert your USB memory into the USB MEMORY slot as
shown in the illustration below.
Insert USB Memory
• Never insert or remove a USB memory while this unit’s power is
on. Doing so may corrupt the unit’s data or the data on the USB
• Carefully insert the USB memory all the way in-until it is rmly in
• If the USB memory contains numerous song les, it may take some
time for loading to be completed.
Playing Along with an Song File from
USB Memory
1. Press the [SONG LIST] button.
When you press the [SONG LIST] button, the display will list the song
les in USB memory.
The songs will be ordered by their le name (in the order of
numerals, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters).
Function buttons
Button Explanation
[1] (<< BWD) Plays the song while rewinding
[2] (FWD >>) Plays the song while fast-forwarding
[3] (LEVEL) Adjusts the volume of the song player
[4] (C. CAN/MINUS) Enables center cancel or minus-one playback
[5] (SETUP) Makes center cancel or minus-one settings.
[6] (WRITE) Saves the Song Player settings
2. Select a song.
Use the VALUE dial or the cursor [ ] [ ] buttons to select a song in
the list.