70 Section 2B: Phone Features
ⅷ To send the new call to voicemail and send the caller a text message, use the 5-way
to select Ignore with Text.
ⅷ To hang up the current call and answer the new call, press Power/End . When the
incoming call message reappears, select Answer or press Talk .
Making a Conference Call Using Three-Way Calling
You can join two calls in a conference session by using three-way calling. Normal airtime
rates apply for each of the two calls.
1. When your first call is active, place a second call (see “Making a Second Call” on
page 69). (You cannot initiate a three-way call if the second call is an incoming call.)
2. When you’re connected to the second party, use the 5-way to select Conf to
begin your three-way call.
Once you have answered a second call, to switch back and forth between
the original call and the call you answered, use the 5-way to select Swap.
When you answer a second call and then select Hang Up All, it ends both
calls. In this situation, if the first caller has not yet hung up the phone,
the Sprint National Network automatically redials your number from the
first caller’s number and you see an incoming call alert. You can answer
to continue your call with the first caller.