Section 3B: Email 129
Replying to Email Messages
1. From the Inbox or another folder, open the message to which
you want to respond.
2. From Message view, select Reply. (Select whether to reply to
just the sender or to both the sender and all other addressees
on the message.)
3. Enter your reply, and then select Send.
Creating and Sending Email Messages
1. Press Applications and select Email to open the VersaMail application.
2. From the Inbox, select New.
3. Begin entering the addressee’s email address, first name, or
last name. (If the information matches one or more entries in
Contacts, VersaMail displays the matching contacts. To accept
a suggestion, select the correct contact. To send to a different
address, keep entering the email address or name.)
When you respond to messages, you can select whether to include the
original text (see “Setting Email Preferences” on page 135).
To send a copy or blind copy, select the square icon to the right of the red
paper clip to display the Cc and Bcc fields. Enter the address(es) in those
fields. For multiple recipients in any field, enter a semicolon and then a
space before entering the next recipient name or address.