Index 391
Show Wallpaper option 85
Showbiz selection 108
Shutter sound pick list 186
Side button 10, 283
signal 18
, 55
Signal faded pick list 87
signal strength 17
, 96, 318
signal-strength icon 55
Signature command 138
signatures 138
silencing system sounds 276
silent alarm 276
SIT files 251
Size button 29
Skip Pass Code feature 25
slide show options 188
slide shows 188
slider 43
smart device
activating 22
charging 15
, 17
connecting to computers 34
, 110
connecting to power sources 15
customizing 275
discovering 257
extending storage capacity of 269
finding compatible devices for 80
, 321
freeing space on 330
getting additional information about 335
getting phone number for 24
locking 292
monitoring status of 96
not responding 304
not turning on 17
positioning 319
purchasing batteries for 14
recording owner information for 359
resetting 304
safety guidelines for 343
, 345, 346, 348
setting passwords for 292
, 294
setting up 21
, 26, 334
synchronizing PCs with 35
temporarily disabling 18
transferring files to 29–31
troubleshooting 334
turning on or off 319
unlocking 22, 292
unpacking 8
smart device controls 9
, 11, 12
SMS messaging services 325
, 339
SMTP servers 323
Snooze button 99
soft resets 304
See also applications
downloading 161
, 249, 250, 251
included with device 309
, 334, 363
installing bonus 37
, 249, 250
installing Sprint Connection Manager 110
installing synchronization 32
installing third-party 303
, 330
sending email and 323
synchronizing information and 28
, 36,
uninstalling 313
software conflicts 313