Index 387
Phone Preferences screen 72, 91
phone-to-computer connections 110
photo albums. See albums
Photo Settings screen 186
See also pictures
adding voice captions to 183
attaching to email 130
, 132
deleting 183
printing 153
saving 183, 184
pick lists 43
, 45
Pics&Videos application
creating albums and 189
opening 187
playing videos and 188
updating information in 35
, 36
viewing pictures and 187
viewing slide shows and 188
Pics&Videos button 187
picture file types 161
picture formats 187
, 194
Picture Mail
accessing online albums for 193
changing screen fonts for 278
defined 339
making phone calls and 59
, 67
sending messages and 142
, 144, 153
setting up accounts for 144
troubleshooting 325
Picture Mail message icon 98, 150
Picture Mail Online Services 153
Picture Mail service 182
Picture Mail Web site 145
, 193
adding caller ID 89
, 217
adding to albums 189
adding to background 227
adding to chat sessions 149
assigning to contacts 191
backing up 194
copying 190
displaying 187
, 193, 194
downloading 161
removing from albums 189
, 192
rotating 192
saving as wallpaper 191
sending 130, 144, 145, 183, 187
storing 330
synchronizing 36
taking 145182–183, 329
transferring to smart device 31
uploading 193
PIM software 339
plain text messages 138
Play icon 162
playback controls 162
, 206, 211
playback, pausing 206
, 239
music 195
streamed content 162
, 210, 211
video clips 184
, 193
voice captions 187
voice memos 239
voicemail messages 63
playlists 207