216 Section 5A: Organizer Features
Contacts is where you enter information about people you know. You can access this
information from the Phone application to dial phone numbers and create favorites, and
from the Messaging and email applications to send messages. When you create a contact,
you can also assign a caller ID picture or ringtone to that contact, so that you know when
that person is calling.
If you have several contacts to enter, it’s more efficient to use Palm® Desktop software or
Microsoft® Outlook® on your computer and then synchronize information between your
Palm Centro™ smart device and your computer. For more information, see “Synchronizing
Information—The Basics” on page 35.
Adding a Contact
1. Press Phone .
2. Select the Contacts favorite button.
If you use Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync®, your contacts information
(as well as email and calendar information) is moved directly between
your company's Exchange server and your smart device using either
Microsoft Direct Push technology or synchronization. Push is a feature
provided by Microsoft ActiveSync that pushes email messages, Calendar
events, meeting invitations, and updated contact information it receives
onto your device. You retrieve contacts (and email and calendar) updates
from the server; they are not updated when you synchronize directly
with your computer. For additional information, see “Getting Messages
From Your Corporate Microsoft Exchange Server OntoYour Device” on
page 138 (VersaMail® application users).
You can also open Contacts from Applications view.