3. Click the Color tab.
4. Make your selection under Color Control:
a. Printer Color Matching (color management performed by the printer driver using the
parameters you set)
b. Windows ICM (color management performed by Windows Image Color Matching)
c. No Color matching (color management performed by your software application)
Note: You can also select Print in Grayscale (monochrome printing) or Print Color
separations (print each color separately).
5. To set the parameters for Printer Color Matching, click Options.
Note: For additional information on the various manual color parameters, see the help
for the OKI C Series PostScript driver (click at the top of the dialog box).
6. Under Image Color Matching, select the type of color matching to use.
a. OKI Color Matching (Uses color matching built into the printer to convert RGB data to
b. PostScript Color Matching (Performs color matching using the PostScript Color
Rendering Dictionary)
7. Under Black Finish, select how black will be printed:
a. Auto (selects the best method for the document)
b. Matte (100% black toner used—best for text and graphics)
c. Glossy (CMYK—best for photographs)
8. Under Image Color Rendering Style, select:
a. Auto (automatically determines the best color settings for each print job)
b. Perceptual (emphasis on contrast)
c. Vivid (emphasis on brightness)
9. Under Color Halftone, select:
a. Device Best Dither (emphasis on resolution)
b. Cluster Ordered Dither (emphasis on smooth gradation)
10. Click OK twice and close the Printers dialog box.
Activating the OKI ICM Files: Windows 98/95 PS
For information on activating the OKI ICM files see " Activating the ICM Files in the Windows
Me/98/95 PostScript Driver."
Color Management: Windows NT 4.0
Software applications generally have their own color matching and management facilities for
display and printing. Please refer to the software application's documentation for information on
color matching and management from within the software.
Important! Please note that some software applications may overwrite the settings in