color saturation while balancing the image.
Changing the Lightness & Saturation Settings in the OKI PCL
Another method of decreasing strong colors is to increase the lightness setting. To compensate
for this, the saturation setting must be stepped down accordingly. As a rule, the saturation
should be stepped down an equal number of steps to the level that the lightness has been
stepped up.
This can be done in the OKI
C9000 Series PCL printer driver as you are printing the document:
1. Click Properties or Printer Setup or the equivalent button in your Print dialog box.
2. Click the Color tab.
3. Select Manual color.
4. Adjust the Lightness and Saturation settings at the bottom of the screen.
5. Click OK.
Color Perception
Color perception depends on the presence of
A light source
An object
An observer
Our perception of color involves light from a source interacting with an object and entering the
eye. The composition of the light and its interaction with the object will define the color we see.
Reflected Light
A reflective object absorbs some sections of the visible spectrum and reflects the rest. What we
see is the reflected portion. An object removing wavelengths at the ultra violet end of the
spectrum, for example, will appear red.