4. Click Add, then go to the Windows\System32\Color directory.
5. Select the OKI C9200 or C9400 ICM files, then click Add.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click OK.
8. Right click the OKI C9200 or C9400 PostScript printer icon then click Printing
9. On the Layout tab, click Advanced, then select your choice for ICM Method from the
Image Color management drop-down list.
10. Click OK twice, then close the Printers dialog box.
ICM: Windows Me/98/95
Activating the OKI ICM Files in the Windows Me/98/95 PCL Driver
To activate the OKI ICM files in the Windows Me/98/95 PCL driver:
1. Click Start → Settings → Printers.
The Printers dialog box appears.
2. Right click the OKI C9200 or C9400 PCL printer icon then click Properties.
3. Click the Color Management tab.
4. Click Add, then select the OKI C9200 or C9400 ICM files (e.g., Ok9400l1.icm and
5. Click Add.
6. Click Apply, then click OK.
Activating the OKI ICM Files in the Windows Me/98/95 PostScript Driver
To activate the OKI ICM files in the Windows Me/98/95 PostScript printer driver:
1. Click Start → Settings → Printers.
The Printers dialog box appears.
2. Right click the OKI C9200 or C9400 PostScript printer icon, then click Properties.
3. Click the Color Management tab.
4. Click Add, then select the OKI C9200 or C9400 ICM files (Ok9400l1.icm and
5. Click Add.
6. Click Apply, then click OK.
7. Right click the OKI C9200 or C9400 PostScript printer icon, then click Properties.
8. Click the Color tab.
9. Click Windows ICM to select it, then click Options.
The Image Color Matching dialog box appears.
10. Select you preferences for Image color matching method and Rendering intent, then
click OK.
11. Click OK, then close the Printers dialog box.