primaries, yellow, cyan and magenta, are located at mid points between these.
The color wheel shows the following relationships:
Each color is a secondary color of the two colors on either side of it. For example, mixing
equal quantities of yellow and magenta will produce red.
A color is directly opposite its complement.
We can add another set of neighboring colors on the color wheel to produce additional
intermediate colors. The numbers on the color wheel doubles to twelve:
Repeating the procedure a number of times produces a color wheel with subtle changes of hue
from neighbor to neighbor.
Dithering & Halftones
No matter how colors are specified, the printer is only able to use a combination of three colors
plus black to generate an image on paper. To achieve this the printer uses processes known as
dithering and halftoning.
Each addressable picture element (pixel) on a monitor screen or printed output contributes to
what we see in the final image. The pixels are placed in close proximity so the eye is unable to
resolve individual dots. Colors of adjacent pixels appear to merge and produce a new color.
Using dot patterns of a given set of colors to generate new colors is known as dithering.