Color Management
Color Management Systems
Color Management Systems (CMS), such as those found in the OKI
C9000 Series printer
drivers, help correct mismatches that may occur during the RGB and CMYK conversion
Color Management Systems ensure a better match between the input data and the printed
result, but cannot always allow for monitor adjustment or variations in paper stock.
Effects of Paper
Color. Paper can sometimes appear blue or cream in hue. This will have an effect on the light
reflected from the page which can change the appearance of some colors.
Texture. The texture of the paper used will affect the way that light is scattered and may also
result in patches of light or dense color.
You should experiment with a variety of papers to find and adopt a paper that provides the best
results for your print jobs.
Potential Problems with Color: Plan, plan, plan!
Watch the amount of color you use: too much color can have a negative affect on the
overall document
Be careful when using colors considered garish. These will definitely affect the way the
document is perceived and should be used only to create an intentional special affect.
Consider the result when colors are placed in close proximity: make sure they complement
one another and enhance the document rather than detracting from it.
Planning ahead with care should greatly minimize any of these problems.
Experiment for Best Results
If specific colors are of paramount importance, such as those in your company logo, use the
OKI Color Swatch Utility to determine the RGB values to use in your application software to give
the closest match to the required color.