Chapter 7 - Troubleshooting 89
Printing quality, hue, and resolution queries
1 Can all four colours of the colour inks be
combined for black and white printing?
In colour printing mode, greyscale portions are
printed using a four-colour greyscale. Black char-
acters are also printed using a mixture of the four
colours, if brightness is adjusted. To print mono-
chrome portions in black only, adjust the bright-
ness to 0%. To subject the overall image to
monochrome printing, set the Type Settings to
Black & White.
2 Black is printed with black ink, but grey portions
are printed using four colours.
In colour printing, greyscale intermediate colours
(such as grey) are printed using four colours. If
you want to print only in black ink, set the Type
setting in the Print dialogue box to Greyscale.
3 I would like to adjust the image quality of
photographs without reducing character resolution.
Characters always print at the currently selected
resolution (if an outline font is used). The image
quality of photographs can be adjusted independ-
ently using the
setting in the
ting dialogue box.
4 There seems to be no difference between
photographic output using monochrome printing set
and images obtained by monochrome
printing set to
With monochrome printing set to
, only the
characters can be printed at
. This is done by
smoothing the Standard images. The quality of
photographs, however, differs little from that of
images obtained by monochrome printing set to
5 When plain or other coarse-surfaced paper is
printed in colour, ink is missing from a number of
points on the image.
When paper with a coarse surface is used for full
colour printing, ink will be missing from certain
points where it was difficult to deposit. To correct
this, you can attempt the following:
a Set the Halftone setting in the
dialogue to
for printing. The
image will be coarse, but the ink will trans-
fer to the paper more reliably.
b If you have VPhoto Primer ink, the image
quality may be improved by providing an