56 User’s Guide
Undercoating with VPhoto primer ink cartridge
The VPhoto Primer ink cartridge is used to print an un-
dercoat on paper prior to the main printing process. Un-
dercoat fills any uneveness on the paper surface making
plain paper suitable for high quality colour printing.
For undercoating, you will need the following.
1. Media
Any plain photocopier paper can be used.
2. Ink cartridges
VPhoto Primer ink cartridge
Overhead projector transparencies cannot be undercoated
with VPhoto Primer ink.
Prepare the image to be undercoated
Use any application to create the image or document.
Highlight the area to be undercoated in grayscale.
White portions of data (R=G=B=100%) are not under-
Install ink cartridge
Make sure at least one VPhoto Primer ink cartridge is
installed in the ink cartridge holders. The ink cartridge
can be installed in any holder.
Load the paper in your printer
Load the paper into your printer and set up the feed
mode to either automatic or manual.
Set up the printer driver for printing
1. Select
from the File menu to open the Print
dialog box, then click
2. Click the
tab to bring to the
3. Set
Document Type
to an appropriate option.
4. Set
Media Type
depending on the paper being
5. In
Print Settings
Use Spot Colours
box so that the Spot Colours dialog box is dis-