
276 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Permission list
Permission lists are Xprint V7.0 objects, in which access rights for other
objects are defined. There are permission lists for users (USER) and forms
(FORM) and Xprint V7.0 distinguishes two types of permission list: allowed
lists and denied lists. The former comprise lists of users (or forms) that are
allowed to access specific objects, e.g. printers (or which may be used on
the printers to which the list is assigned, respectively). The latter list objects
which are not allowed to access specific objects, for example printers (or
which may not be used on the printers to which the list is assigned, respec-
Print job
When one or more files are sent off for printing via the xpadd command or
the menu interface, these are combined to form an object named “print job”
and subsequently treated as such by Xprint V7.0. At spoolin, every print job
is assigned a job identifier under which it can later be addressed, e.g. to
change the formatting.
Printer capability list
See PCL.
Printer group
You can combine several printers to form a printer group. Users can then
send a job to this group, whereupon the job will be printed on the first printer
in the group to become available. This avoids long wait times, which might
occur if only one destination printer is selected. Nevertheless, users can still
address any printer in a group individually.
When the system is started in command mode or in a shell window, a
character sequence appears on the screen indicating that the command
interpreter is ready for Outputware commands to be entered. Under
Outputware such a prompt might look like this:
This example shows a prompt which gives the name of the user (xprintadm)
and the name of the host on which the user is logged in (nashua) in paren-
theses. This is followed by the current directory.