
U23841-J-Z915-6-76 247
Installing Xprint V7.0 Installation (users only)
The license string must be on first column of first line of the file. The string in
some cases may be on two lines each ended with the ’:’ character.
mkdir /etc/.OSL_LICENCE
chmod 0555 /etc/.OSL_LICENCE
cat > /etc/.OSL_LICENCE/ DPM.0998
JG he iM X3 Ln Fs PM g1 Th FH Gj Dq 0L gf:
chmod 0555 /etc/.OSL_LICENCE/DPM.0998
Installation with xpkey:
The same key can be installed with xpkey as follow :
xpkey -i "JG he iM X3 Ln Fs PM g1 Th FH Gj Dq 0L gf:"
Please refer to the “Xprint V7.0 - Reference Manual” for a complete description of
xpkey command.