U23841-J-Z915-6-76 201
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering supervisors
is to be added. Only the Xprint V7.0 administrator, root and subroot can add
a supervisor on a remote host. Using the additional option -ca comment_for_
administrator you can also assign a comment to the supervisor when adding
it to the system.
● Activate the supervisor:
xpchange -spv supervisor_name
Adding a supervisor by copying an existing supervisor
Using the xpcopy -spv command you can copy existing supervisors in the
system quite easily. This is useful if the new supervisor is to have similar
attributes to an existing supervisor. Proceed as follows:
● Copy the relevant supervisor:
xpcopy -spv name_old_supervisor name_new_supervisor [modifications] \
[-ho host_name]
For name_old_supervisor specify the name of the supervisor you want to copy.
For name_new_supervisor specify the name of the new supervisor. If the name
already exists, the command is rejected.
host_name represents the name of the remote host on which the supervisor
is to be added. Only the Xprint V7.0 administrator can add a supervisor on
a remote host.
For modifications specify the modifications you want to make. Each entry in
this list consists of an option of the xpadd -spv command as well as a corre-
sponding value. For more detailed information, see the description of this
command in the “Xprint V7.0 - Reference Manual”.
Using the additional option -ca comment_for_ administrator you can also
assign a comment to the supervisor when adding it to the system.
● Here also you must activate the supervisor:
xpchange -spv supervisor_name
A supervisor that is copied from the server of a local host to a remote
host remains assigned to the server of the source host. If you want
the supervisor and server to be defined on the same host, you should
use the option -se server_name when copying, to immediately assign
the new supervisor to a server of the remote host before activating the
supervisor (see example below).