
U23841-J-Z915-6-76 187
Configuring Xprint V7.0 Administering recovery rules
Enter your recovery rules in the file using the following format:
Every line of the source file defines one recovery rule. Comment lines must
start with the hash character (#) in the first column. Use the following format
to define recovery rules:
The specifications for the fields in square brackets may be omitted, but the
colons for separating the fields are mandatory.
error_code is the key under which the recovery rule files are to be accessed.
It can contain either an Xprint V7.0 printer error code or an action for
handling a recurring error. This field is mandatory. The following printer error
codes are supported:
maximum_time is an option which must be specified together with the
exception_rule_ID field. It activates the selection of a specific action if an error
keeps recurring. By default, the value INFINITE is used. The value must lie
between 0 and 65535 seconds. If the error persists after this time, Xprint V7.0
selects the action specified in the field exception_rule_ID.
You can set a printer automatically to the status NOT_ACTIVE, for example, if
the paper supply is not refilled within the specified time.
Error code Description Default
TonerEmpty Toner empty Retry
Parity Parity error during transfer Ignore
PaperEnd Paper empty Retry
Stop Printer stopped Retry
PowerOff Printer switched off Restart
CoverOpen Printer cover open Retry
PaperJam Paper jam Retry
Hangup I/O system call interrupted due to hardware
NoAck Time-out during ETX/ACK protocol Retry
Table 23: Supported printer error codes