8. Toyopuc PLC 5-55
Connection to PLCs
8. Toyopuc PLC
Available PLCs
Communication Setting
The recommended communication parameter settings of the PLC and the V7 series is as follows:
Set [Trans. Mode] in the [Detail] tab window of the [Comm. Parameter] dialog of the V-SFT
- PC3J: Select [Single Data Area] or [Split Data Area].
- L2/PC2 series: Select [Single Data Area].
Switch Setting
Baud rate: 19200 bps
Select PLC Type PLC Unit/Port Connection
L2/PC2 series
CMP-LINK RS-422 [Wiring Diagram 1]
Item Setting on PLC V7 Comm. Parameter Setting
Baud rate 19200 bps 19200 bps
Port 0 0
Parity Even Even
Transmission code
Data length 7 (ASCII) 7
Stop bit 2 2
Transmission Mode Contents
Single Data Area Data area is common.
Split Data Area Each PLC device is divided into program files.
Switch Setting Contents
SW1 0 Station address (lower half)
SW2 0 Station address (upper half)
SW3 1
Baud rate
1: 19200 2: 9600 3: 4800 4: 2400 5: 1200 6: 600
Switch Short Bar Contents
SET2 Provided Data length: 7 bits
SET3 Provided Stop bit: 2 bits