
5-24 2. OMRON PLC
Communication Setting
The recommended communication parameter settings of the PLC and the V7 series is as follows:
* The maximum baud rate available with the V7 series is 115200 bps.
Select the appropriate baud rate depending on the used PLC and environment.
V-SFT Setting
Set [Trans. Mode] in the [Detail] tab window of the [Comm. Parameter] dialog of the V-SFT
*1 BCD w/ signs
Data in the PLC memory can be shown as data with signs.
When higher 4 bits in the memory indicates [F] or [A], it is treated as negative.
[F]: Regards higher 4 bits as [0].
[A]: Regards higher 4 bits as [1].
Displayable range 1 word: 1999 to +9999
2 words: 19999999 to +99999999
Setting procedure: Num. Data Display [Input Type] BCD
[Display Type] DEC(w/ sign, w/ +signs)
Item Setting on PLC V7 Comm. Parameter Setting
Baud rate* 19200 bps 19200 bps
Port 0 0
Parity Even Even
Transmission code
Data length 7 (ASCII) 7
Stop bit 2 2
Command level 3 (fixed)
Protocol 1 : n protocol (fixed)
Synchronizing switch Internal synchronization (fixed)
CTS switch 0 V (always ON) (fixed)
5 V supply switch OFF (fixed)
Terminating resistance ON for RS-422
Transmission Mode Contents
Trans. Mode 1 BCD w/o sign
Trans. Mode 2 BCD w/ signs
PLC Memory Indication on V7
0000 to 9999 0 to 9999
F001 to F999 1 to 999
A000 to A999 1000 to 1999
00000000 to 99999999 0 to 99999999
F0000001 to F9999999 1 to 9999999
A0000000 to A9999999 10000000 to 19999999