4-40 1. Ethernet
Write Bits to Internal Memory
int HKEtn_WriteInternalBitMemory(int DeviceType,DWORD addr,int BitNo,int
OnFlag,char *lpAddr)
This function is retained until write completion is received from the V7 series. (It is reset on
receipt of write completion to the internal memory.)
• Parameters
DeviceType 0: $u 1: $s
addr Top memory address to be written
BitNo Bit number to be accessed
OnFlag 0: OFF 1: ON
*lpAddr IP address shown as a string of characters separated by dots
Example: “192.168.XXX.XXX”
• Return values
Success TRUE
Failure FALSE
Error details Get using HKEtn_GetLastError ().
Write Bits to Memory Card Memory
int HKEtn_WriteCardBitMemory(int FileNo,int RecordNo,DWORD addr,int BitNo,int
OnFlag,char *lpAddr)
This function is retained until write completion is received from the V7 series. (It is reset on
receipt of write completion to the memory card memory.)
• Parameters
FileNo File number
RecordNo record number
addr Top memory address to be written
BitNo Bit number to be accessed
OnFlag 0: OFF 1: ON
*lpAddr IP address shown as a string of characters separated by dots
Example: “192.168.XXX.XXX”
• Return values
Success TRUE
Failure FALSE
Error details Get using HKEtn_GetLastError ().