3-50 7. PLC2Way
• $s730-761
The following status code for the PLC connected at the MJ port is stored.
Errors other than the above are stored as shown below.
1. Check the parameter setting of the PLC connected at the MJ port and the setting in the
[Temp. CTRL/PLC2Way Comm. Setting] dialog.
2. Check the cable connection.
3. Data may be disrupted because of noise. Fix noise.
* If you still cannot solve the error even after following the suggestions above, contact
your local distributor.
Code Contents
0000H Normal
FFFFH Timeout
8001H Check code error
8002H Data error
800BH Error code received from the PLC connected at the MJ port
Buffer-full error
Parity error
Overrun error
Framing error
Break detection
0 000000000
0: Bits 0 to 14 are all “0.”
1: Any bit 0 to 14 is not “0.”
Error Details Solution
Timeout Although a request to send is given to the
PLC connected at the MJ port, no answer is
returned within the specified time.
Check 1, 2, 3 described below.
Check code error The check code in the PLC connected at the
MJ port response was not correct.
Check 1, 3 described below.
Data error The code of the received data is invalid. Check 1, 2, 3 described below.
Error code
An error occurs at the PLC connected at the
MJ port.
Refer to the instruction manual for the PLC.
Buffer full The V7 buffer is full. Contact your local distributor.
Parity An error occurred in parity check. Check 2, 3 described below.
Overrun After one character is received, the next
character is received before internal
processing is completed.
Check 1, 3 described below.
Framing Although the stop bit must be [1], it is
detected as [0].
Check 1, 2, 3 described below.
Break detection SD (TXD) of the PLC connected at the MJ
port remains at the low level.
Examine the connection between SD (TXD)
of the PLC connected at the MJ port and RD
(RXD) of the V7 series.