3-40 7. PLC2Way
Enter the desired comment and click [OK]. The entered comment is displayed at the
top right corner.
4. Setting data in the table
Click on a line in the table. The selected line turns blue.
Double-clicking brings up the default setting for the PLC2 memory, data type, etc.
When (1) is clicked, the [Memory Input] dialog is displayed.
Set the memory address to be read from the PLC connected at the MJ port.
When (2) is clicked, a data type for the PLC2 memory can be set.
This is the data length setting for the memory address to be used. Numerical
data of one word is handled. Data is transferred to the target memory address in
the numerical data code of the PLC2 memory.
[Double Word]
This is the data length setting for the memory address to be used. Numerical
data of two words is handled. Data is transferred to the target memory address
in the numerical data code of the PLC2 memory.
Data in the PLC2 memory is handled as bit information of one word. Data is
transferred to the target memory address without conversion.
[Dummy Word] [Dummy Double]
The memory addresses for [Target PLC Memory] and [Target Internal Memory]
are automatically allocated consecutively in the [Temp. CTRL/PLC2Way Table
Setting] dialog. If you would like to skip any memory address, keep the cell in
the [Temp. CTRL/PLC2 Mem.] column blank (no setting). It is regarded as a
dummy word or double-word. In this case, “0” is stored in the target memory
(1) Click. (2) Click. (3) Double-click.