Changing the printer driver settings
Before printing, check that the printer driver settings are
appropriate for the kind of document you want to print, and
change the settings as needed. When you are finished making
changes, click OK to apply the settings, or click Cancel to
cancel your changes.
If you accessed the printer driver from your application, some
of the settings below may appear in your application’s Page
Setup dialog box. If you accessed the driver from the Control
Panel, these settings appear in the printer driver settings
T Resolution Click the printing resolution you want.
T Paper Size Select the size of the paper loaded in the
printer. If you don’t see your paper size,
use the scroll bar to scroll through the list.
If your paper size is not included in the list,
click User Defined Size and enter the correct
paper size in the dialog box that appears.
T Paper Source Select the paper source that best meets your
needs. There are three cutting method options
for both the front and rear tractors in the
Paper Source list if the optional perforation
cutter is installed. For details, see “Using the
Perforation Cutter” in Chapter 6.
T Orientation Select Portrait or Landscape. The diagram
on the screen changes according to the
orientation you select.
Peony Rev.C
A5 size Chapter 2
98/01/07 Pass 4
Setting Up Your Software 2-11