Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started
4.5.18 Digital inputs IN1 and IN2
Digital inputs IN1 and IN2 can be programmed to perform an action whenever they are
See for “Digital control voltage-free contact inputs” on page 21 terminal connections.
Digital input IN1 and IN2 statuses are shown on the left-hand side of the display:
o = inactive or = active.
Parameter D835 shows the statuses of the inputs: active (1) or inactive (0).
First digit represents IN1. The second digit represents IN2.
How to allocate an action to IN1 or IN2:
1. Navigate to:
2. Use the Action selection parameter P340 (for IN1) or P345 (for IN2) to select a trigger
action from the option list. Tab le 4 -3 lists all the options and explains their purpose.
3. Use the Delay parameter P341 (for IN1) or P346 (for IN2) if a delay is needed before an
action is performed. The setting format is m:s (minutes and seconds).
4. Use the On State parameter P342 (IN1) or P347 (IN2) to change the logic of the input
for triggering an action. Options are:
“Closed” (default) – an action is triggered when the voltage-free contact is closed, or
“Open” – an action is triggered when the voltage-free contact is open.
Table 4-3. Digital input actions
Action Action that occurs while digital input is triggered
Free Digital Input has no allocated action. This is the factory default setting.
(1) See“Set-up alarms” on page 91 for information about alarms and features they affect.
Forces an alarm condition, which is indicated if specified in the OUTPUT / ALARM menu.
(2) See “Fault mode relay” on page 82 for how to indicate fault conditions using a relay output.
Forces an fault condition, which is indicated if specified in the OUTPUT / FAULT menu.
Program mode Changes the control unit operating mode to Program (open padlock).
Hold totalizer Freezes the internal totalizer.
Hold MCU PV Prevents the control unit PV value (D800) from being updated.
Suppress Alarm If the digital input is active when an alarm condition is present, a message is displayed
indicating the alarm is being overridden. The Alarm relay is held on.
Display Msg
Displays a user-defined message (P241).
Log Input
(4) Data logging is available on the Mobrey MCU90F.
When the next data logging interval elapses, flag the data logged as a 'bad sample' if the
digital input has been active.
(5) The pump-down feature available on the Mobrey MCU901 and Mobrey MCU902. See “Pump-down (Mobrey MCU901 and MCU902
only)” on page 85 for further information.
Invoke a pump-down operation.
Lock Params Prevent 'P' prefixed parameters from being edited.
Protect totalizer 1 Prevent totalizer 1 from being reset.
Reset totalizer 2
(6) Totalizer 2 is available on the Mobrey MCU902 and Mobrey MCU90F.
Reset totalizer 2.