Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 2: Control Unit Overview
June 2014
Section 2: Control Unit Overview6
2.4 Control unit front panel
This front panel fascia has an integral keypad, display, and health status LED.
Figure 2-3. Front panel fascia
A. 4-line Back-lit LCD Display
B. Status LED
C. Keypad
2.4.1 Keypad
The membrane keypad has six function buttons (Tab le 2 -1 ). The buttons are used for navigating
a menu system and for viewing or changing application parameters.
Table 2-1. Keypad Function Buttons
2.4.2 Status LED
The LED is positioned just below the LCD (Figure 2-3 on page 6). It flashes once per second to
indicate that the control unit and transmitters are operating correctly. The LED is constantly lit if
there are operating difficulties e.g. a transmitter fault.
Button What the button will do
When the Primary / Process Value (PV) is shown, use the red (ENTER) button to access the menu system.
At other times, this button is for selecting a menu option and for confirming something.
When navigating the menu system, the UP-ARROW button is for moving upwards one line.
At other times, this button is for scrolling through a list of alphanumeric characters or a list of options.
When navigating the menu system, the DOWN-ARROW button is for moving downwards one line.
At other times, this button is for scrolling through a list of alphanumeric characters or a list of options.
The LEFT-ARROW button is for moving left e.g. to another character when editing a parameter value.
The RIGHT-ARROW button is for moving right e.g. to another character when editing a parameter value.
When navigating the menu system, use the ESCAPE button to return to a previous menu level and the
Full PV Display. At other times, e.g. while editing, the button is for restoring a setting that is being edited.
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