Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started
4.5.12 Set-up the volumetric contents calculations for a popular
non-linear / non-uniform shaped vessel (advanced users)
The MCU900 Series control unit can use level measurements to calculate the volumetric
contents or a non-linear (non-uniform) shaped, closed vessel.
The control unit has a library of popular non-linear vessel shapes:
Horizontal cylinder with flat ends
Spherical vessel
Horizontal cylinder with domed ends
Examples of popular applications are shown in Figure 4-19 on page 55.
For other vessel shapes, see “Set-up flow calculations for non-linear / non-uniform open
channel profiles (advanced users)” on page 56.
Essential parameters to program
Select a popular non-linear vessel shape
Use parameter P113 (or P123) to select a non-linear vessel shape from the option list.
The control unit then automatically populates P115 (or P125) with data from the built-in library.
The volumetric contents calculations for these non-linear profiles require an input value over the
range 0.0 to 1.0. Parameter P114 (or P124) is therefore used to convert (scale) the input signal
to a value within the range 0.0 to 1.0 for the volume calculation.
Note (MCU901/MCU90F)
P113, P114, and P115 are in the menus SETUP / [CONTROLLER /] INPUT CHANNEL
/Ch1 Profile, /Ch1 Pre scale, and /Ch1 NLP Data respectively
Note (MCU902)
P113, P114, and P115 are in these menus:
SETUP / [CONTROLLER /] PV CALCULATION / CHANNEL 1 / Ch1 Profile, /Ch1 Pre scale,
and /Ch1 NLP Data (respectively)
P123, P124, and P125 are in these menus:
SETUP / [CONTROLLER /] PV CALCULATION / CHANNEL 2/ /Ch2 Profile, /Ch2 Pre scale,
and /Ch2 NLP Data (respectively)
Setting P114 when a 4–20 mA level transmitter is connected
The 4–20 mA level transmitter should ideally provide a mA signal that is already scaled for the
full vessel height. P114 (or P124) can then be kept set at the default value of 1.0.
If the mA signal is not scaled for the full vessel height, P114 (or P124) must be programmed
with a value to convert (scale) the mA signal to be in the range 0.0 to 1.0. For example, if the
maximum current is below 20 mA for a full vessel, say 18 mA, set P114 = 16 * (18 - 4) = 1.143