Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Appendix C: Menus and Parameters
June 2014
Appendix C: Menus and Parameters
(SETUP) (SYSTEM) COMMUNICATIONS Address P710 Comms address of control unit - 0 0 15 104
Interface P711 Interface type - See
Baud Rate P712 Baud rate - See
Start Bits P713 Number of start bits - 1 1 2 104
Data Bits P714 Number of data bits - 8 7 8 104
Parity P715 Parity of data - Odd - - 104
Stop Bits P716 Number of stop bits - 1 1 2 104
FIXED Model Code D750 Model code - (Factory set) - - 116
Serial No D751 Serial Number - Control Unit - (Factory set) - - 116
H/W Revision D752 Hardware Revision - (Factory set) - - 116
S/W Revision D753 Software Version - (Factory set) - - 116
HART D760 Manufacturer’s Code - (Factory set) - - 116
D761 Unique ID - (Factory set) - - -
D762 Universal command revision - 5 - - -
D763 Txr spec. command revision - 2 - - -
D764 Pre-amble bytes - 5 - - -
D765 Flags - 1 - - -
Run App? / Program? - Run App? / Program? - - - - 38
READINGS ANSWERS PV D800 Primary / Process Variable As P200 - - - 43 - 50, 112
SV D801 Secondary Variable As P201 - - - 43 - 50, 112
TV D802 Tertiary Variable As P202 - - - 43 - 50, 112
FV D803 Fourth Variable As P203 - - - 43 - 50, 112
Ullage D804 Ullage As P200 - - - 112
% Current Out D805 % Current Output % - - - 112
Current O/P D806 Current Output mA - - - 112
Rate of Change D809 Rate of PV change PV/min - - - 83, 90, 113
D811 Relay 1 Operations Counter - 0 - - 88, 113
D812 Relay 2 Operations Counter - 0 - - 88, 113
D813 Relay 3 Operations Counter - 0 - - 88, 113
D814 Relay 4 Operations Counter - 0 - - 88, 113
D815 Relay 5 Operations Counter - 0 - - 88, 113
Relay Status D820 Relay Status - - - - 113
RELAY RUN TIME D821 Relay 1 run-time hh:mm - - - 88, 113
D822 Relay 2 run-time hh:mm - - - 88, 113
D823 Relay 3 run-time hh:mm - - - 88, 113
D824 Relay 4 run-time hh:mm - - - 88, 113
D825 Relay 5 run-time hh:mm - - - 88, 113
Totalizer D828 Totalizer 1 value
As P531 - 0 - 95, 114
D829 Totalizer 2 value
As P533 - 0 - 95, 114
Alarm Report D830 Alarm Report - None - - 91, 114
Fault Report D831 Fault Report - None - - 82, 114
MAIN MENU Menu Level 2 Menu Level 3 Menu Level 4
Parameter Name Units
Min Max