Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started
Table 4-9. Full PV Display options
P570/1/2 Options Parameters
None (Nothing selected)
D800-PV Control unit Primary / Process Variable (PV)
D801-SV Control unit SV value
D802-TV Control unit TV value
D803-FV Control unit FV value
D805-%mA Out Percentage of Current Output (4–20 mA span)
D806-mA Output Actual output current
D809-RoC Rate of Change of control unit PV
D828-Totalizer Totalizer value (for the MCU901)
D828-Totalizer 1 Totalizer 1 value (for the MCU902 and MCU90F)
D829-Totalizer 2 Totalizer 2 value (for the MCU902 and MCU90F)
D821-RL1 RTime Running time for relay RL1, if energized
D822-RL2 RTime Running time for relay RL2, if energized
D823-RL3 RTime Running time for relay RL3, if energized
D824-RL4 RTime Running time for relay RL4, if energized
D825-RL5 RTime Running time for relay RL5, if energized
D840-mA Input Actual current input
D844-Internal C Temperature inside of the control unit
D846 Logging memory remaining
D900-PV In Transmitter PV (Primary Variable)
D901-SV In Transmitter SV (Secondary Variable)
D902-TV In Transmitter TV (Tertiary Variable)
D903-FV In Transmitter FV (Fourth Variable)
(1) Parameter is in menu: SETUP / [CONTROLLER /] APPLICATION
Free-form description
Free-form message
Free-form tag name
P730-Date Date
P731-Time Time of day
Bar graph Bar graph for Current Output (for lower display only)