Be sure to observe all of the following safety precautions.
Strict observance of these warning and caution indications are a MUST for preventing accidents, which
could result in bodily injury and substantial property damage. Make sure you fully understand all
definitions of these terms and related symbols given below, before you proceed to the text itself.
Alerts you to those conditions, which could result
in serious bodily injury or death if the instructions
are not followed correctly.
Alerts you to those conditions, which could result
in minor bodily injury or substantial property
damage if the instructions are not followed
Terminology and Definitions
Maximum space: Refers to the volume of space encompassing the maximum designed movements of
all robot parts including the end-effector, workpiece and attachments. (Quoted from the RIA*
Committee Draft.)
Restricted space: Refers to the portion of the maximum space to which a robot is restricted by limiting
devices (i.e., mechanical stops). The maximum distance that the robot, end-effector, and workpiece
can travel after the limiting device is actuated defines the boundaries of the restricted space of the
robot. (Quoted from the RIA Committee Draft.)
Motion space: Refers to the portion of the restricted space to which a robot is restricted by software
motion limits. The maximum distance that the robot, end-effector, and workpiece can travel after the
software motion limits are set defines the boundaries of the motion space of the robot. (The "motion
space" is DENSO WAVE-proprietary terminology.)
Operating space: Refers to the portion of the restricted space (or motion space in Denso robot) that is
actually used by the robot while performing its task program. (Quoted from the RIA Committee Draft.)
Task program: Refers to a set of instructions for motion and auxiliary functions that define the specific
intended task of the robot system. (Quoted from the RIA Committee Draft.)
(*RIA: Robotic Industries Association)