2.8 Setting-up the safety
fence or enclosure
A safety fence or enclosure should be set up so that no one can
easily enter the robot's restricted space. If it is impossible,
utilize other protectors as described in Section 2.9.
(1) The fence or enclosure should be constructed so that it
cannot be easily moved or removed.
(2) The fence or enclosure should be constructed so that it
cannot be easily damaged or deformed through external
(3) Establish the exit/entrance to the fence or enclosure.
Construct the fence or enclosure so that no one can easily
get past it by climbing over the fence or enclosure.
(4) The fence or enclosure should be constructed to ensure
that it is not possible for hands or any other parts of the
body to get through it.
(5) Take any one of the following protections for the entrance/
exit of the fence or enclosure:
1) Place a door, rope or chain across the entrance/exit of
the fence or enclosure, and fit it with an interlock that
ensures the emergency stop device operates
automatically if it is opened or removed.
2) Post a warning notice at the entrance/exit of the fence
or enclosure stating "In operation--Entry forbidden" or
"Work in progress--Do not operate" and ensure that
workers follow these instructions at all times.
When making a test run, before setting up the fence or
enclosure, place an overseer in a position outside the
robot’s restricted space and one in which he/she can
see all of the robot’s movements. The overseer should
prevent workers from entering the robot's restricted
space and be devoted solely to that task.
2.9 Positioning of rope or
If it is not possible to set up the safety fence or enclosure
described in Section 2.8, hang a rope or chain around the
perimeter of the robot’s restricted space to ensure that no one
can enter the restricted space.
(1) Ensure the support posts cannot be moved easily.
(2) Ensure that the rope or chain’s color or material can easily
be discerned from the surrounds.
(3) Post a warning notice in a position where it is easy to see
stating "In operation--Entry forbidden" or "Work in progress
--Do not operate" and ensure that workers follow these
instructions at all times.
(4) Set the exit/entrance, and follow the instructions given in
Section 2.8, (3) through (5).